Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library


The Blasted Tower.

The Tower: The Lord of the Tower

The Lord of the Tower. Hosts of the Mighty. Peh. Mars.

The Tower or the Blasted Tower, or the House of God.  Mars.   Peh.  Here is purification through fire, lightning, flames, war.  The open mouth at the base of the card alludes to the Hebrew attribution Peh meaning a mouth, the eye is the Eye of Shiva.  The card is designed on the form of a carbon crystal, the figures falling from the tower are made of carbon, the serpent on the right is the symbol of the active will to live, the dove on the left is passive resignation to death.

This card is attributed to the Hebrew letter Pe, which means a mouth.  The card, which admits of two interpretations in one, is a manifestation in its rudest form, of pure destruction, the destruction of the old-established Aeon by lightning, flames, and engines of war.   The other interpretation is drawn from the cult of Shiva.  At the top of the card appears the Eye of Shiva.  According to this, the card represents perfection, the perfection of annihilation by emancipation from the prison of organised life.   The dove and the serpent represent the feminine and masculine impulses.  In the language of Schopenhauer, "The Will to Live and the Will to Die."

Quarrel.  Combat.  Danger.  Ruin.  Destruction of plans.   Ambition.  Courage.  Sudden death.  Escape from prison and all it implies.


This page last updated: 03/01/2018

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