Hine moa, Passionate Princess

The Greatest Polynesian Goddess was a complex figure of who many myths were told.  Like other major divinities, she was associated with many aspects of life and had many symbols:  She was the tapa-beating woman who lived in the moon; she was Great Hina, the death mother; she was a warrior queen of the Island of Women.  An all inclusive divine archetype, Hina appeared in many Polynesian legends, some of which - not surprisingly, for such a complex and long-lived Goddess-Contradicted others.

Hine and Hina are common Goddess names throughout the Pacific; in some cases, the name has become a title, bearing connotations of sacrality, greatness, and femininity. The various Goddesses Hine/Hina worshipped may simply be aspects of one Great Goddess. This particular Hine is honored by the Maori of New Zealand for Her love, determination and bravery.

Activities to do:
Read about How the kiwi lots it wings, then make a kiwi bird with cotton wool and tooth picks, or use your own imagination for material.

Or make a tiki, (a New Zealand good luck charm) with cardboard;
or make a Polynesian canoe with ice-block sticks to sail from island to island.

Make a pair of moari poi's to dance with.  Cut two round circles of fabric, stuff with paper, then tie string, about an arms length. Round the string round the balls of fabric and twirl.


This page last updated: 03/01/2018