Victory to the Mother.
Victory to V.V.V.V.V.
Victory to Teletarchai, in the name of the Secret Master.
Victory to Baphomet and his disciples.
Victory to the Lord, the Supreme Initiator.
Victory, victory, victory to To Mega Therion.
Victory to the most Supreme Initiator.
Victory to the Brothers, who dwell in the City of the Pyramids.
Victory, victory to the Beast and the Scarlet Woman.
Victory, victory to the Perfect Magician.
Victory to the Master who grants Success.
Victory to Agape, victory to Thelema.
Victory, victory to the Law of Thelema.
Victory, victory to the Prophet of the Law.
Victory, victory to the Bride of Chaos.
Victory, victory to Her who fulfils all desires.
Victory, victory to Her who rides upon the Beast.
Victory, victory, victory, victory to the name
"The Mother of Abominations."

(originally found)


This page last updated: 03/01/2018